How to Reach the Maintenance Department

You are residing in an apartment owned and operated by the Hibbing HRA and live in one of the following:

Greenhaven Apartments
Park Terrace Apartments
First Avenue Apartments
Seventh Avenue Apartments

If you are having a maintenance issue, submit your work order:
Monday through Friday 8:30 – 3:30 call 218-263-3661
After hours urgent or emergency work orders call 218-969-3777

Urgent or emergency work orders include but are not limited to:

  • Heat issues
  • Water issues
  • Toilet issues
  • Electrical issues

Please note: If you are having issues with electrical, please be certain to check the breakers in your apartment and the GFI button on the outlet to see if they are functioning correctly.

If an after-hours emergency finding results in resident negligence, abuse or deemed unnecessary, you may be charged a $100 after hours call out. This includes instances where a resident is locked out of their apartment.

Contact Info

3115 7th Avenue East
Hibbing, MN 55746

Housing Application

Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 3:30pm

Phone: 218-263-3661
Fax: 218-262-4164

Find Hibbing HRA On Facebook

Coverage Area

Public housing within the City of Hibbing


National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Public Housing Authorities Directors Association  Hibbing Chamber of Commerce American Association of Service Coordinators

Payments We Accept

We Accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, EBT, Check, Money Order,