Move to Wellness (MTW)
and the EMPOWER Program

The HRA is a Move to Wellness (MTW) agency. This means that the agency has the ability to be more than just a landlord. The HRA of Hibbing has been entrusted by the federal government with the flexibility to create innovative new programs. This will help the agency better serve the community and move residents to wellness.

To help residents reach their goals and graduate from public housing, the HRA has launched the EMPOWER Program. This program is open to all HRA residents, and a lease requirement for some. To learn more, watch the video below:

If you have questions about the EMPOWER Program or anything related to Move to Wellness, contact Diana Ricci, MTW Coordinator, at 218-969-5005 or

Our MTW Community Partners

Important MTW Documents and Updates

Contact Info

3115 7th Avenue East
Hibbing, MN 55746

Housing Application

Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 3:30pm

Phone: 218-263-3661
Fax: 218-262-4164

Find Hibbing HRA On Facebook

Coverage Area

Public housing within the City of Hibbing


National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Public Housing Authorities Directors Association  Hibbing Chamber of Commerce American Association of Service Coordinators

Payments We Accept

We Accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, EBT, Check, Money Order,